Languages spoken in Lamoni

The following is a list of languages spoken in Lamoni, and approximately how many speakers of said languages there are.

Lamonians have learned these languages as a result of trade and contact (both historical and modern) with other nations and cultures, and also help serve to increase the diversity present in the Free Republic of Lamoni.


Official Language:

* English


Widely Known Languages (80% or higher of the population):

* Dienstadi
* Sign Language
* Yohannesian
* Lyran English


Less Well Known Languages (80-25%):

* Spanish
* Esperanto
* Fegosian


Rarer languages (25% or less):

* Sumerian
* Mandarin
* Thai
* Japanese
* Arabic
* Gaelic
* Greali
* Latin
* Trawacan
* German
* Rajkovi
* Footballian
* Isselmerian
* Nylenska
* Pacitalian
* Pacitalian English
* Coscivian
* Norwegian
* Prevanian Greek
* Uyghur
* Irish
* High Tongue
* Vilitan
* Kurma
* Swedish
* Riemaian
* Ganosian
* Carthagininan
* Tsnndavayric
* Nalayan

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